Michael Lanyon's Blog Notes and thoughts from LanyonM

A New Blog Theme: Lanyon

When I created this blog a couple years ago I only very slightly modified the default Jekyll theme to provide a couple mobile optimizations, but it was always a distant intention to make the site a bit easier on the eyes. Within the Jekyll framework, my desire has always been to:

  • have a responsive site
  • use as little javascript as possible
  • stay compatible with GitHub Pages hosting

I didn’t make the blog theme a priority (something that was super obvious if you saw the old theme). Earlier this year a friend forwarded Lanyon to me - entirely because of the name. It wasn’t until this past weekend that I realized Lanyon met my theme requirements perfectly.

The transition process was painless. I had to make sure a few of the customized styles I’d added flowed well with the new width, but that was a small hurdle. I’d estimate it was much easier to migrate to the new theme than it was to create the blog with all its metadata.

Thanks to @mdo for the open source theme and time spent to make it available.